


讨价还价的 Continues with CSEA on Memorandum




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讨价还价的 Continues with CSEA on Memorandum

自从圣堂. 3议价更新,  the 十大菠菜导航网址 and the local chapter of the 加州 School 员工 Association have held two negotiation sessions regarding an Opening of 学校 Memorandum of Understanding.

Progress is being made, but the teams have not yet reached agreement on the full MOU. 谈判进程仍在继续。, so the school district is providing this overview of its MOU proposals provided to CSEA during recent bargaining sessions.


菠菜网lol正规平台 and CSEA have reached tentative agreements in the following areas:

  • 安全
  • 报告不安全情况
  • 测试和跟踪
  • 外地游客及团体
  • 房屋
  • 工作时间
  • 职责
  • 协议期限


员工筛选: Teams have reached a conceptual agreement on this area and are fine tuning some of the language to reach a tentative agreement.

补偿: The school district offered each employee the opportunity to earn up to 24 hours of additional hourly pay by participating in virtual professional development opportunities. Both teams had previously agreed in concept to language regarding not offering hazard pay, however CSEA reintroduced this request at the last bargaining session. Offering hazard pay to all CSEA employees will cost the school district millions of dollars and could lead to additional layoffs in the future. Every $1 an hour additional pay would cost the district more than $2.500万美元,为期六个月.

工地的灵活性: 为了达成协议, 菠菜网lol正规平台 has proposed worksite flexibility to CSEA for classifications that work directly with students in the classroom including instructional assistants, speech-language pathology assistants, instructional aides and behavior intervention assistants. CSEA has requested that additional classifications are added, however because school facilities remain operational, the school district needs unit members to be available at sites to fulfill operational, 文书, administrative and instructional roles in support of students.

休假: In addition to the 80 hours of Emergency Federal Sick Leave, CSEA is proposing additional paid leave for employees who are asked to be quarantined based on their interpretation of Article VIII, 部分T. The school district has maintained a consistent position for all employees to use up to 80 hours of Emergency Federal Sick Leave and/or accrued district leave balances in the event self-isolation is necessary. Allocating each unit member an additional two weeks or 80 hours of paid leave could cost the school district more than $4 million.

The next negotiation session is scheduled for Thursday, 9月t. 17.

  • 讨价还价的
  • CSEA